Interesting. Do book titles Do the Right Thing, Do Something, Do Hard Things sound familiar?
It is a trending movement in our society right now. And it's not just teens. We live in a world of unlimited comunication and technology like never before, and we feel empowered. But at the same time our world is crumbling: wars, violence, drugs, disease, political disaster. We want to do something. We know we can. But what?
What can we do? We should not limit ourselves or our abilities. Here are some of my ideas:
Make a difference in your own home:
Be faithful in the small things such as doing chores around the house and
being a compassionate, helpful influence. Open your eyes. Ask. Be a benefit and
not a burden to your family. Be a godly example as much as you can.
Let your voice be heard.
Most of us have facebook pages or blogs, these are places where we can speak
out for truth! Instead of chatting about movies, encourage one another and let the
world know what you think about infanticide, socialism, and terrorists. Or the
movie industry! Speak your mind, but do it gently.
Be hands on. Volunteer to teach Sunday school, mentor, become a doctor or
nurse, DO what you see is needed.
Civil disobedience, holding signs, signing petions, write books, advertise,
campaign, make phone calls, there is no end to this list.
Pray!! This is the most powerful weapon of all. Praying and reading God's Word will enable you to fight battles that you never could have imagined.
And don't give up!
What can you do? Take it one step at a time. You may be surprised how far you can get.
Amen! May we all ask God to show us what we should do, and follow Him wholeheartedly as He leads!